FOHPDD bay 5 pwen ki fè li pa danse kole ak Somè sou Akò ant Ayisyen k ap fèt Ozetazini an

FOHPDD bay 5 pwen ki fè li pa danse kole ak Somè sou Akò ant Ayisyen k ap fèt Ozetazini an post thumbnail image

By Rezo Nodwes -7 janvier 2022

Sa ki pi enpòtan, òganizatè yo kraze kredibilite yo lè yo te komanse atake Akò Montana a. Yon aktè pa kapab yon medyatè!

Vandredi 7 janvye, 2022 ((–

Repons a demand HDPAC sou Somè a

Attn : Komite kriz Somè a
Mesye Clément Crespin, Doktè Yves Jean, ak Mesye Valério Saint-Louis,

Chè manm komite ki ap jere kriz Somè an :

Manm ekip egzekitif FOHPDD yo te apresye opòtinite pou yo rankontre ak Komite a nan dat 27 desanm 2021. Se te yon opòtinite pou komite Kriz la te pale de Kriz Somè kreye nan kominote a epi prezante objektif Somè a ki pwograme pou 13-19 janvye 2022 nan Lwizyana, ki nan peyi Etazini.

Nou aprann nan reyinyon an ke  òganizatè Somè a vle jwe yon wòl medyatè ant diferan akò ki genyen yo epi kreye sa yo rele yon « gwo Akò tout Akò yo. » Antanke aktè nan dyaspora a, FOHPDD salye angajman Komite a ak tout òganizasyon ki vle travay pou Ayiti.  Nou kwè ke dyaspora a gen yon wòl enpòtan pou li jwe nan ede Ayiti jwenn solisyon pou sòti nan kriz aktyèl yo.

Jan nou te di li nan reyinyon an, FOHDDD pa pale pou estrikti ki rele Montana. Nou te note tou ke BSA a, ki se estrikti ki responsab pou pale nan non Montana, te reponn envitasyon HDPAC lan.

Apre nou te fin tande komite a, nou ka rezime konpreyansyon nou an senk pwen :

  1. Yon prensip debaz nan medyasyon, fòk se patisipan yo ki mande medyasyon. Pou medyasyon mache, chak pati yo dwe aksepte l. Biwo swivi Akò (BSA) Montana a te dekline patisipe paske yo deja an negosyasyon ak aktè kle yo. 
  2. Si ta gen medyatè, yo dwe kapab kreye konfyans, fò yo gen eksperyans epi gen metodoloji travay.
  3. Yon medyatè dwe enpasyal men jiskaprezan pozisyon piblik HDPAC montre li se yon  antagonis.
  4. Pandan ke ekip HDPAC lan souliye ke y ap fè yon Somè ant-ayisyen, yo sèlman mete devan etranje tankou « Anbasadè Etazini nan Nasyonzini, Hon. Linda Thomas-Greenfield” kòm oratè prensipal la ak yon ansyen Jeneral lame Ameriken, Russell L. Honoré, ki pral fasilite Somè an.
  5. Anplis, Somè a ap fèt Ozetazini epi òganizatè yo ap klèwone ke « kominote entènasyonal sipòte Somè a. »  Nan Kominike pou laprès yo menm pibliye deklarasyon anbasadè Kenneth Merten te fè sou yon radyo ann Ayiti kote l te deklare ke « dwe gen yon gwo Akò tout Akò yo. » An gwo, òganizatè yo sèlman prezante aktè entènasyonal yo e patikilyèman Depatman Deta Ameriken kòm vrè motè dèyè Somè a.

Jan nou te di li nan reyinyon an, nou rete kwè Somè ta ka itil e se pou rezon sa a nou te pwopoze Komite Kriz la pou li ta konsidere chanje Somè a an yon evènman pou angaje dyaspora a. Gen anpil moun nan dyaspora a ki pa konnen oswa ki pa konprann sa ki nan akò yo. Yon Somè kote manm diaspora ka vin prezante epi aprann sa ki nan akò yo ka pèmèt yo evalye akò yo.  Nou kwè lè diaspora a konprann akò yo li ap sipòte Akò Montana a.

An konklizyon, menmsi nou respekte òganizatè Somè Lwizyana a,  pozisyon nou klè: nou pa sipòte Somè a jan li ye paske: patisipan yo pa mande pou medyasyon, objektif somè a pa klè, òganizatè yo pa demontre okenn kapasite nan medyasyon. Sa ki pi enpòtan, òganizatè yo kraze kredibilite yo lè yo te komanse atake Akò Montana a. Yon aktè pa kapab yon medyatè!

FOHPDD pa ka sipòte Somè a paske nou kwè ke li se yon estrateji pou minimize travay ki akouche Akò Montana a.  An menm tan li pral kraze elan travay sosyete sivil ayisyen an ap fè epi mete divizyon.

Dear members of Summit Crisis Commission,

The members of FOHPDD’s executive team appreciated the opportunity to meet with you on December 27, 2021.  This was an opportunity for the Committee to discuss the crisis that has been created in the community and to present the goals of the Summit, which is scheduled for January 13-19, 2022 in the state of Louisiana in the United States. 

We understood from the discussion that the Summit organizers want to play a role of mediator and create what they call an “Accord of the Accords (or master Agreement).” As actors in the diaspora, FOHPDD salutes your engagement and fully agrees that the diaspora has an important role to play in helping Haiti solve the current crises.

As we noted during the meeting, FOHPDD does not speak for the Montana Agreement. Additionally, we noted that the BSA, which is the structure that is responsible for speaking on behalf of the Montana Agreement, had officially responded to HDPAC’s invitation. 

Our understanding from the meeting and conclusion can be summarized in five points:

  1. A core principle of mediation is that the parties must request it.  For mediation to work, the parties themselves must accept it.  The BSA declined to participate because, as they clearly stated, the Montana actors are already in negotiation with other key actors in Haiti.
  2. If there are to be mediators, they must be able to build trust, have experience but also a methodology.  We have seen any evidence of this experience nor heard of the methodology HDPAC would use. 
  3. A mediator has to be impartial but so far HDPAC’s public position has been antagonistic – the organizers have taken to the press and reverted to name calling and threats. 
  4. While the HDPAC’s team underscores the Summit as Haitian-led, they have only featured non-Haitians such as “United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Hon. Linda Thomas-Greenfield” as the keynote speaker and that the Summit will be facilitated by Russell L. Honoré, a former US Army Lt. General.” 
  5. Lastly, the Summit is slated to take place in the United States and HDPAC proudly claims that the “Summit is supported by the international community.”  The press release even quoted ambassador Kenneth Merten’s statement from a radio interview in which he stated that “there must be an Accord of the Accords.”  In sum, the organizers have only presented international actors and particularly the U.S. State Department as the real engine behind the Summit.

We believe the Summit may be useful and that is why we proposed that the Crisis Committee considers changing the Summit to an event that would engage the diaspora. Many people in the diaspora do not know or do not understand the terms of the current Agreements/Accords. A Summit where members of the diaspora can learn about the content of the agreements would allow them to assess for themselves which one they want to support.  And we believe that a better understanding of the agreements would lead to a total support for the Montana Agreement.

In closing, while we respect the organizers of the Louisiana Summit, our position is clear.  We do not support the Summit as it is for the following reasons: the parties did not ask for mediation, the purpose of the summit is not clear, the organizers do not demonstrate any capacity for mediation. Most importantly, the organizers lost their credibility when they began attacking the Montana Agreement. An actor cannot be a mediator!

While we hope the organizers would consider reframing the event, for those reasons listed above, FOHPDD cannot support the Summit because we believe it will undermine the months of work that has been done and that is still ongoing by Haitian civil society.        


For the Board and for verification:

Samuel Colin   Dr. Joel Augustin         Johnny Celestin

President          Membre                       Membre